Gold Ayan's Tinker Garage

We can also name it Mini articles


Open DNS family shield - Make internet browsing safer for whole family,

Emacs Copy, Cut (Kill), Paste (Yank) Trick

  • Assume you want to copy or cut part of a paragraph, but not the entire thing.
  • Go to the start of the text you want to select and press C-space twice.
  • Then, move to the end of the text you want to operate on and press C-w to cut (kill) or M-w to copy.
  • This method works in reverse as well, which is quite interesting.
  • Normally, I select the text I want and then press the copy or cut command, but this approach changes the way you do it completely.

CSS before trick

  • If you need to add any whitespace before text use the below logic
h2 {
  text-decoration: underline;
} {
  content: " ";
  white-space: pre;