Gold Ayan's Tinker Garage

Hellooo, Tinkerers!

This is Thanga Ayyanar A @ Gold Ayan

I am a versatile polyglot programmer with extensive experience across multiple programming languages. Sometimes, I will deliver a talk at Kanchilug or participating in a conference in and around Chennai, where I share my insights and knowledge with fellow tech enthusiasts. In addition to my speaking engagements, I am passionate about promoting open-source software and actively translate open-source books into Tamil, making valuable resources accessible to a wider audience.

My favorite tools include Linux, Emacs, and Scheme/Lisp. I am also an active member of the Tamil Linux Community, where I contribute to discussions and share knowledge. You can often find me engaging with the community at Tamil Linux Community

Additionally, I encourage you to explore the Tamil tech event calendar, which lists various upcoming events in the region. You can view the calendar here. This resource is a great way to stay informed about the latest happenings in the Tamil tech community.

Sometimes i write blog in Tamil language at

About this blog

  • TIL means Today I Learned, this section is inspired from Juila Evans blog.
  • Project tab contains projects which are currently working on or completed projects.
  • Posts tab has the blog articles.
  • Blogrolls my favorite bloggers, podcasts, youtube channels sites (has both tamil and english language blog).
  • RSS - Rich Site Summary (use feed reader to subscribe this blog).

Social handles

IRC Goldayan(nickname) in #kaniyam, #systemcrafters, #ilugc to name a few…
Twitter/ @0xgoldayan (Not much now a days)

Feel free to explore the website, I like to keep the website simple and stupid.