I haven't focused on installing notification daemon for my linux machine which run sway in ubuntu. I come across dead simple notification notification daemon which works out of the box
Installing in ubuntu
sudo apt install mako-notifier
Then in your sway config, add the following line
exec mako
that's it. To test whether the notification working or not. Open the terminal and type the following
notify-send "Hello world notification"
To send notification from the Emacs
(org-show-notification "Hello world notification from emacs")
To send custom notification from emacs
(require 'notifications) (defun my-on-action-function (id key) (message "Message %d, key \"%s\" pressed" id key)) (defun my-on-close-function (id reason) (message "Message %d, closed due to \"%s\"" id reason)) (notifications-notify :title "Title" :body "This is <b>important</b>." :actions '("Confirm" "I agree" "Refuse" "I disagree") :on-action 'my-on-action-function :on-close 'my-on-close-function)
- actions only close function is called when notification is tapped, may be due to mako i guess
- reference: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Desktop-Notifications.html
we can control the mako daemon using makoctl command
Few things i played with makoctl are
- dismiss the notification from the terminal
- display the last notification from history
EDNC - The Emacs Desktop Notification Center
We can use emacs as notification daemon using a package called ednc, to use ednc ensure there is no other notification daemon is running
Install the package (package is available in melpa)
(use-package ednc)
Enable ednc-mode
(require 'notifications) (notifications-notify :title "1st test" :body "hello, world" :app-name "EDNC" :actions '("default" "default"))
Notification list can be seen in *ednc-log*
Both are awesome package, for now i will stick with mako and see how it goes.