Gold Ayan's Tinker Garage

Everyone has a smart phone in our house, alteast one smart TV and a one laptop or computer.

Things we do most of the time:

One of the boring task. Can we make it interesting ?

We need something that can act as middle man to store the stuff and can be accessed from any device.


So let's try to do a POC on SMB. The SMB in linux side called SAMBA (Open source implementation of SMB)


Installing samba server in Ubuntu

sudo apt install samba

Configuring samba Configuration

  • Tell samba server which folder to share.
  • Who have permission to read/write.
  • Template of /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • My Config
    comment = Samba on Ubuntu
    path = /home/sample/Public
    read only = no
    write list = ayan
    browsable = yes
    guest ok = yes

    comment = Samba on Ubuntu
    path = /home/sample/Videos
    browsable = yes
    guest ok = yes
  • In the above config only user ayan has permission to write file in public folder
  • For Videos folder no one has write permission.
  • Samba shared folders can be accessed by Guest (any one in the network) or Authenticated user.
  • Let's see how we can create user for samba authentication.
sudo useradd ayan -s /sbin/nologin
  • The above user creds cannot be used to login in to your linux system because of -s /sbin/nologin
  • Check if your user added to your system
sudo cat /etc/passwd
  • Set samba password for your user
sudo smbpasswd -a ayan
  • All done
  • Restart the samba server
sudo service smbd restart


  • Cheking the service
sudo service smbd status
  • smb config debug
sudo testparm


  • All you need is VLC media player software or SMB Client.
  • You can play the media in the shared folders.
  • If you have SMB client you can copy new files or delete existing files.

One of my favorite quote

Solution to problem creates new problems


  • Device should be Alive.
    • We can use Raspberry PI which takes less power and do more than what we need
    • Synology sells hardware that does similar things.
  • Devices need to be same network
    • Most of us basically connects to same network (Wifi Router)
    • You can enable hotspot in any device and connect the rest of the device you need to shared.
  • Not able to access it through Internet.
    • We can set up software such as Tails or Zeronet through which we can access your home server from internet.


  • Ubuntu official