Learn and Improve Touch Typing

What is Touch Typing

Also called as Blind Typing, Able to type keys without seeing the keyboard

If you work with computer a lot, then learning this skill will make your life much easier. All it takes is spend 10 minutes of your time to practice everyday. I will provide few website to where you learn.


If you are begineer, this website is amazing. This website gives me the basic touch typing skills. I learned all the basics here.

Typing Club

I prefer Typing club for begineer nowdays, their way of teaching is much more fun. They concentrate on one thing at a time. I am self-learned Touch Typer, During my learning process. i started using wrong fingers to type some letters so Typing club helped to correct my mistakes.



Type Racer


Shall we spice it up a little bit, how about learn typing and reading a new book

Advanced Skills

By default, most of us are using QWERTY keyboard layout. There are other popular layout such as